Saturday, September 16, 2006

Cereal Time!

Darrell has reached 4 months and i was contemplating if i should start him on semi solids. I finally decided to start him on cereals when he reached 4 and 1/2 months time just to be on the safer side in case his digestive system isnt that ready yet and also feels that its pretty boring just to drink milk..okay okay..maybe its the mom feeling bored feeding only
I bought Frisocrem cereal for Darrell as it indicated that its suitable for babies from 4 months onwards and the convenience of it having milk included in the cereal.

16th Sept is the day i have pick to be his 1st tasting experience on cereal! So exciting! Brought him over to in laws place and we took some pics of his 1st taste on semi solids..i cant say he really likes it but its a good start though.......


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