Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Darrell's Birth Story

I was expecting myself not able to sleep the night before the surgery but surprisingly i managed to grab a few hours of sleep. Its difficult to describe how i feel now...i would say its a mixture of feelings. From excitement on finally being able to meet Darrell face to face to feeling scared (scare is an understatement!) as i do not know what to expect from the surgery and also the extent of the surgery wound that follows.

Here's the birth story:

5.30am: Woke up and make myself a hot cup of cereal and ate abit of bread to fill the stomach as i am not suppose to take in any food and water 5 hours prior to the surgery scheduled at 11.30am.

5.45am: Took a long shower. Wanna make sure i enjoy the shower in view of all the confinement rules that follow - no bathing no washing of hair...i wonder how am i going to survive all these rules considering i am somemore that needs to wash my hair daily...oh well, will worry about that later...

6.00am: Double check again to see if all the necessary items that i need to bring are all in place. Gosh 2 big bags! KS syndrome strikes!

6.15am: Woke hubby up for him to shower and have breakfast

6.45am: Left for Glen E. Trying to act "normal" and be brave!

7.15am: Reached Glen E and proceed for registration

7.30am: Was lead to Room 504 by the Glen E staff

7.30am ~ 10.00am: Was asked to change into the hospital robe and after which its a waiting game. Getting very nervous as the clock ticks by. Now wishing i had opt for GA or if something can just knock me out. All this while hubby was chatting with me to ease my nervousness...but its not helping....boohoo..i can start to feel my stomach churning. Mom/Sis in law went back Serangoon but will be coming back later.

10.00am: Nurse came to shave me

10.30am: Was given medication to release the bowels. The nurse assured me its not painful and i felt the cold liquid gushing into me and the bowels loosening. I am instructed to wait for 5mins or so but i think by 2 mins i couldnt take it anymore quickly rush to the washroom. Who in the world can hold for 5 mins!? Mom & Dad reached and waited in the room with me.

10.45am: Finally the moment is here! 2 nurses came and i was transfered to another bed and was pushed out of my ward and to Level 4 where the Operating Theatre is situated. Mom & Dad followed me down as well. Fear engulfs me. Now i really wish there is something to knock me unconscious. I was stationed at the "parking area" waiting for my turn. Hubby was led to another room to change into the hospital outfit. I feel like a child suffering from separation anxiety...wanted to cry liao. While waiting at the parking area, a happy face greeted me. Its Dr. Chin Kin Wuu. He is very friendly and cheerful with this chirpy tone but that cant seems to chase away the fears from me.

11.00am ~ 12.01pm: I was pushed into the operating threatre and my, it really looks very white! There was music in the background but i dont think i am enjoying it very much..hahaha. Dr Chin advise me that he will 1st put me on drip, take a sample of my blood for Cordlife and subsequently administer the epidural. I am really getting scare now...i keep looking around for hubby but he is not in the operating room yet...was praying very hard that they had not forgotten to let him in.

Its time to administer the epidural - GULP! I was asked to curl like a "C" and not to move. Need some help from the nurses to curl me due to the tummy =P. Throughout the whole process i was grabbing one of the nurse's hand very tightly and gritting my teeth. I could start to feel my lower body going numb and i am really hated the feeling as its very uncomfortable as all the numbless sets in. Boohoo! The nurses forgotten to draw my blood for cordlife when they administer the drip so now they have to "poke" me at my right hand =( Now i have 2 hands being "poked" and my tummy is about to be cut up!

The nurses started cleaning my abdominal area and one of them commented that my baby is very active. I wasnt aware of the movements due to epidural effects till i touched the side of my abdomen. Hehe Darrell has always been so active during my pregnancy.

Dr Chan arrived at the operating theatre and i saw him washing his hands. I started shivering uncontrollably and was later told by Dr Chin its a side effect of the epidural. For a moment i thought i am shivering due to my fear and keep trying to tell myself to calm down...hahaha. Finally hubby came into the operating theatre (PHEW!) and he held my hand. Seeing him makes me feel much calmer.

I realise Dr Chan started operating on me when i heard some noises alike that of vaccum cleaner and that i felt some pressure of being pulled at the abdominal area . Dr Chin started pushing my abdomen and i heard Dr Chan commenting that the baby is curled up and in a breeched position and they had to retry a different way of getting him out. I started to get worried if Darrell would be ok....Dr Chin started to pushed against my abdomen real hard again after Dr Chan give the go ahead. Anticipation & excitment reaches the peak!

12.02pm: Baby Darrell is born! He weighs 2.614kg and measures 50cm.


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