Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Visit from Auntie Vivian & Auntie Wendy

Mummy feels bored cooping at home for her confinement and i think on the verge of going bonkers. She was very thrilled when Auntie Vivian and Auntie Wendy decides to pay her a visit. Of course their intention is not to see mummy...but to see ME! LOL!

But i wasnt very cooperative when they came over....fussing nonstop so Mummy cant really have a good chat with them...but i did played with them for a while after their KFC dinner which mummy ordered for them. Hope they like it...looks good to me too bad i cant eat it. Mummy says i am too young for it..humph..

Look! Pictures of me and Auntie Vivian & Auntie Wendy!


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