Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Development at 16 months Old

At 16 months old, Darrell can:

Physical/Motor Skills

  • walk by himself although not very steadily (Darrell started walking by himself towards the end of 15th month old)

  • zip & unzip

  • fasten & unfasten a velcro

  • Scoop using a spoon and put it to his mouth

  • Stir using a spoon

  • stack a few blocks

  • Self feed himself using pincer grip

  • drinks from a straw

  • wave byebye

  • do friend kiss

  • squat

Language Skills:

  • Papa (his very 1st word)

  • Mummy

  • Darrell

  • Mee Mee (aka Mummy)

  • Mah Mah (Grandmother)

  • Gong Gong (Grandfather)

  • Gu Gu (aka 舅舅)

  • Gou Gou (aka 姑姑)

  • Ah Yee (aka 阿姨)

  • Gor Gor (aka 哥哥)

  • Jie Jie (aka 姐姐)

  • Mei Mei (aka妹妹)

  • Di Di (aka 弟弟)

  • Uncle

  • Auntie

  • Ball (one of his favourite toy)

  • Dog

  • Cat

  • Cow

  • Mooooo

  • Lizard

  • Byebye

  • See You

  • Milk

  • Bottle

  • Tap

  • Water

  • Bubble

  • 恭喜

  • 发财

  • guava (said it as ah vua)

  • banana (said it as nanana)

  • egg

  • bike (for motorcycle)

  • taxi

  • train

  • truck

  • lorry

  • bicycle (said it as bi'ker)

  • clouds

  • sky

  • dark dark

  • Tee Orh Orh (aka 天黑黑)

  • thunder

  • raining

  • lighting

  • light

  • bright bright

  • oven (said it as ah b'en)

  • hood

  • cooker

  • steamer (said it as eem'er)

  • walk walk

  • gai gai (as in go out to play)

  • shoe

  • socks

  • peacock (said it as pi ca!)

  • box

  • touch

  • no no

  • cream (said it as krem)

  • clock

  • book

  • bear

  • star

  • flower

  • snail

  • bee

  • moon

  • go

  • there

  • where?!

  • watch

  • luggage (said it as ah gage)

  • baby

  • no more

  • pen

  • paper

  • tree

  • tractor

  • horse

  • pig

  • blanket

  • paint pot

  • teapot

  • cup

  • mug

  • lychee

  • cake

  • bread

  • nice nice

  • dirty

  • brush teeth

  • claypot (said it as eh pot)

  • boat

  • engine (he means fire engine)

  • rice

  • night night

  • morning

  • car

  • button

  • pain pain

  • bus

  • please

  • 抱抱

  • carry

  • fish

  • burger

  • cut cut

  • chop chop

  • knife

  • blinking

  • 飞机

  • some more

  • one more

  • hot hot

  • cold cold

  • wet wet

  • pizza

  • aircon

  • turtle

  • rabbit

  • crab

  • eyes

  • nose

  • mouth

  • ear

  • cheeks

  • chin

  • leg

  • hand

  • hanger

  • door

  • keys

  • lock

  • ok

  • ready

  • good

  • eat

  • pour

  • upstairs

  • boy boy

  • girl girl

  • tigger

  • pooh

  • eyeore

  • orange

  • apple

  • pear

  • peach

  • lemon

  • mouse

  • Orh Orh (as in sleep)
  • abit

  • iron

  • ginger

  • bowl

  • plate

  • spoon

  • fork

  • chopstick (he said it as op stick)

  • duck

  • frog

  • bag

  • hat

  • hair

  • umbrella (said it as armbrla)

  • clothes

  • pumpkin

  • mango (said it as ah go)

  • brinjal

  • corn

  • 菇 (aka mushroom)

  • clip

  • read read

  • van

  • buggy

  • rainbow

  • biscuits

  • sweets

  • cheese

  • A to Z

  • snake

  • goat

  • tiger

  • 1 to 11

Next milestone to needs to work on:

  • practice more walking
  • learn to walk backwards

  • learn to climb steps

  • learn to bend over and pick up things

  • learn to run

  • learn to jump on the spot

  • learn to self feed from spoon

  • learn to drink from a cup

  • more finger activities


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