Friday, October 06, 2006

Its Tummy Time!

Me and hubby took leave today to spend more time with our precious. Darrell dont usually sleep past 8am unless he is very tired or had a late night. He woke up this morning at about 7.30am. and was looking around the room Hubby was sound asleep as usual and i was pretending to be asleep as i want to observe what Darrell will do next. Would he after looking around and seeing Mummy is asleep decide to follow suit or would he just be contented playing by himself? Well...he played with his fingers for awhile and continue to look around and all of a sudden, he let out a ear piercing cry. This is a frightened cry and our dear Darrell has always been a timid baby, he must have thought we have left him behind all alone. His cry even woke hubby up. We quickly went to pacify him and give him a hug. I assure him that Daddy and Mummy will never leave him and him his morning tummy time to help him strengthen his neck muscles.e is in safe hands. After that much assurance, he's back to his playful self and we decided to give his tummy time!


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