Friday, October 19, 2007

On your mark..Get Set..RUN!

Its really amazing how a few days of going back home late (like after 10pm...) due to work commitments can let me missed out alot on Darrell's development. For one, i didnt even know he can run already! This week by the time i reached home, he is either drinking his milk and getting ready for bed or already in dreamland. I think he only see me for less than 4 hours for this week.

Yesterday i manage to go off a little earlier reaching home at about 9.30pm....and the next minute when i reached home, i saw him running off in his unsteady steps at lightning speed and i had to chase after him fearing he might fall or knock himself into anything he can knock himself into..

The funny sight is that while he is running, he was shouting "Ma Boh! Ma Boh! (aka drunk)". This is because mil was commenting that his running like ma that's where he pick up the words..HAHAHAHA..its really hilarous seeing him running and puncuating his run with Ma Boh Ma Boh! But of course, extremely tiring having to chase him as if you are running a 50m sprint....*puff puff puff*

Up & Down

Darrell is an early bird and its very rare occasions that he will sleep past 8am unless he is really very tired. So last Saturday as usual, he woke up in the early hours (to me) of 7.30am and on seeing hubby still snoring away, he crawled to hubby and pulled his ear with the up & down actions and at the same time while pulling, mouthing "Up & down...up & down...up & down" (hubby is still sleeping while Darrell continued his act..muahahaha).

I was caught by surprise as i didnt know he had mastered and understood the meaning of up and down...

This week, hubby was telling me that Darrell was standing and trying to squat and while doing these uttering "up & down...up & down...up & down.."

Must have been a very cute sight..too bad i was really bog down with work and missed out all the actions..the woes of working moms...sigh..

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Life can be such an irony as i was telling hubby....when your children are in their early years where they needed you the most, we had to be busy working so that we can provide them with the best within our means....and when we can start to slow down our pace to have more time for them, its where they start to display their independence and dont require so much of your time and attention anymore....

I have been toying with the idea of becoming a homemaker so that i can spend more time with Darrell as well as coaching him...there are so many things to learn & discover yet so little time and this is especially so as hubby hectic work is keeping him from coming home early and my work place is of some distance from home and by the time i reach home, its already 8.30pm or later if i need to OT. Thankfully, mil is of great help and has been taking good care of Darrell so that i can have some peace of mind at work.

I decided to shelf my plans of being a homemaker to X days/months/years after some health issues from both sides of our relatives. It dawn to me that while Vitamin M is not the most important thing in life it is certaintly is critical when it comes to life-saving issues. My recent cyst operation had cost me around $7k so god knows how much its gonna set you back if its something major!

SO .... in the meantime, i will have to continue to don that white collar of mine and try to manage as best as i can a balance in family time vs work.

Decision Making

Ever since Darrell started to walk by himself more confidently, he will take every opportunity to try to walk and roam around the house. Tonight as usual he was busy roaming the house and he came to the display shelf of which we had put a vase there. He is aware and has been repeatedly told he is not suppose to touch the vase and as he stood beside the display shelf, he mouthed "Touch!". I decided not to tell him he is not suppose to touch the vase and observed what he will do next. He stood beside the display shelf and looked at the vase for awhile and after some deliberation said "No No!" and proceeded to walk away and even turned back to tell the vase "Bye Bye!"!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Development at 16 months Old

At 16 months old, Darrell can:

Physical/Motor Skills

  • walk by himself although not very steadily (Darrell started walking by himself towards the end of 15th month old)

  • zip & unzip

  • fasten & unfasten a velcro

  • Scoop using a spoon and put it to his mouth

  • Stir using a spoon

  • stack a few blocks

  • Self feed himself using pincer grip

  • drinks from a straw

  • wave byebye

  • do friend kiss

  • squat

Language Skills:

  • Papa (his very 1st word)

  • Mummy

  • Darrell

  • Mee Mee (aka Mummy)

  • Mah Mah (Grandmother)

  • Gong Gong (Grandfather)

  • Gu Gu (aka 舅舅)

  • Gou Gou (aka 姑姑)

  • Ah Yee (aka 阿姨)

  • Gor Gor (aka 哥哥)

  • Jie Jie (aka 姐姐)

  • Mei Mei (aka妹妹)

  • Di Di (aka 弟弟)

  • Uncle

  • Auntie

  • Ball (one of his favourite toy)

  • Dog

  • Cat

  • Cow

  • Mooooo

  • Lizard

  • Byebye

  • See You

  • Milk

  • Bottle

  • Tap

  • Water

  • Bubble

  • 恭喜

  • 发财

  • guava (said it as ah vua)

  • banana (said it as nanana)

  • egg

  • bike (for motorcycle)

  • taxi

  • train

  • truck

  • lorry

  • bicycle (said it as bi'ker)

  • clouds

  • sky

  • dark dark

  • Tee Orh Orh (aka 天黑黑)

  • thunder

  • raining

  • lighting

  • light

  • bright bright

  • oven (said it as ah b'en)

  • hood

  • cooker

  • steamer (said it as eem'er)

  • walk walk

  • gai gai (as in go out to play)

  • shoe

  • socks

  • peacock (said it as pi ca!)

  • box

  • touch

  • no no

  • cream (said it as krem)

  • clock

  • book

  • bear

  • star

  • flower

  • snail

  • bee

  • moon

  • go

  • there

  • where?!

  • watch

  • luggage (said it as ah gage)

  • baby

  • no more

  • pen

  • paper

  • tree

  • tractor

  • horse

  • pig

  • blanket

  • paint pot

  • teapot

  • cup

  • mug

  • lychee

  • cake

  • bread

  • nice nice

  • dirty

  • brush teeth

  • claypot (said it as eh pot)

  • boat

  • engine (he means fire engine)

  • rice

  • night night

  • morning

  • car

  • button

  • pain pain

  • bus

  • please

  • 抱抱

  • carry

  • fish

  • burger

  • cut cut

  • chop chop

  • knife

  • blinking

  • 飞机

  • some more

  • one more

  • hot hot

  • cold cold

  • wet wet

  • pizza

  • aircon

  • turtle

  • rabbit

  • crab

  • eyes

  • nose

  • mouth

  • ear

  • cheeks

  • chin

  • leg

  • hand

  • hanger

  • door

  • keys

  • lock

  • ok

  • ready

  • good

  • eat

  • pour

  • upstairs

  • boy boy

  • girl girl

  • tigger

  • pooh

  • eyeore

  • orange

  • apple

  • pear

  • peach

  • lemon

  • mouse

  • Orh Orh (as in sleep)
  • abit

  • iron

  • ginger

  • bowl

  • plate

  • spoon

  • fork

  • chopstick (he said it as op stick)

  • duck

  • frog

  • bag

  • hat

  • hair

  • umbrella (said it as armbrla)

  • clothes

  • pumpkin

  • mango (said it as ah go)

  • brinjal

  • corn

  • 菇 (aka mushroom)

  • clip

  • read read

  • van

  • buggy

  • rainbow

  • biscuits

  • sweets

  • cheese

  • A to Z

  • snake

  • goat

  • tiger

  • 1 to 11

Next milestone to needs to work on:

  • practice more walking
  • learn to walk backwards

  • learn to climb steps

  • learn to bend over and pick up things

  • learn to run

  • learn to jump on the spot

  • learn to self feed from spoon

  • learn to drink from a cup

  • more finger activities