Sunday, October 15, 2006

Battle with Pacifier

Darrell has been pulling his pacifier out from his mouth and trying to put it in. Sometimes he'll succeed but at times, he'll end up sucking the sides of the pacifier. Its quite interesting to observe how he tries to perfect the "skill"

To Mummy with Laugh

Dearest Mommy,

i know you've been thinking that i associate Daddy to playing and you to carrying and feeding. Hehe...well that is because Daddy got a comical face and i know he cant feed me as well as you mah...

Mommy, i really love playing with Daddy! He makes silly noises and he talks to me on different things...i always look forward to him coming back from work. Whenever i see Daddy, i'll feel excited and will start kicking and flagging my arms because i know its playtime! Sometimes Daddy is so comical that i really laugh out loud!

Mommy, lately you seem depressed and sad. Is it because i laughed & giggled with Daddy and you are wondering how come you never experienced that with me? Hmmm..i'm not sure why i never laughed out loud or giggle when you are playing with me but i think its because i know Mommy you are the disciplinarian so I got to behave myself in front of you. Hey, i No Stupid okay....

Mommy, i know this morning you are pretending to be asleep hoping that i will fall asleep after playing with my fingers right? Hehe, i'm too smart for that! I knew you wont be able to resist playing with me and I am right! You got up from bed and started to play with me! Yeah! Foil plan to con me to sleep!

Mommy, i wanna let you know that besides being a playful boy, i'm also capable of giving surprises! As you got up to play with me by making silly "achar! achar! achar!" sounds, i decided to give you my biggest laugh and giggle for the day! Oh my, your eyes really open big big when you heard my laughter! Heeee! I can tell you are very excited and happy too! Maybe you wanna blog this down? I dont see you taking any video of me laughing ler? So wasted, i love being on candid camera. You must be too surprised to remember taking the video. =P

Mommy, here's to you ....with laugh...kekekeke

Laugh Laugh,
Baby Darrell

Friday, October 06, 2006

Darrell 1st Lantern Festival

Its Darrell's 1st lantern festival and i am bent on bringing him down to the pool area to walk around with him "carrying" his lantern. So days before i was frantically trying to search for THE lantern but cant really find one that pleases my eyes. I wanted a airblown kind of lantern so that its not too heavy for Darrell and he wont hurt himself if he decided to grab and wack it towards his face. There are a few selections but not cute, so in the end, the fear of not having a lantern for Darrell drove me to grab a robot shape lantern from Cold Storage at Northpoint. Its a backup lantern. I finally decided on a Mickey Mouse lantern for him which is selling in Popular. I had initially wanted Winnie the Pooh lantern but thought somehow it looks abit "evil" so decided to give it a miss.

Me and hubby were out on friday afternoon for some "time off" to ourselves and when we reached home about 6.30pm, Darrell is playing in his cot. Mother in law had just given him his evening shower and suggested we let him take a nap before bringing him down as he has not slept since 4.30pm. As we notice him looking abit blur and his eyes are getting smaller we decided to let him snooze awhile first thinking that he will at most sleep for an hour. So we carry him to our bed and let him sleep there. What a mistake! Darrell slept from 6.45pm all the way till 1am and we had to wake him up for milk!

We were wondering if its because we put him onto our bed for him to sleep that he thought its bedtime now and end up sleeping longer. Anyway, to console ourselves (maybe mummy needs more consolation), we took some pictures of the lanterns and also decided that with the haze, we probably wont be bringing him either.

是!? 不是!?

Its Tummy Time!

Me and hubby took leave today to spend more time with our precious. Darrell dont usually sleep past 8am unless he is very tired or had a late night. He woke up this morning at about 7.30am. and was looking around the room Hubby was sound asleep as usual and i was pretending to be asleep as i want to observe what Darrell will do next. Would he after looking around and seeing Mummy is asleep decide to follow suit or would he just be contented playing by himself? Well...he played with his fingers for awhile and continue to look around and all of a sudden, he let out a ear piercing cry. This is a frightened cry and our dear Darrell has always been a timid baby, he must have thought we have left him behind all alone. His cry even woke hubby up. We quickly went to pacify him and give him a hug. I assure him that Daddy and Mummy will never leave him and him his morning tummy time to help him strengthen his neck muscles.e is in safe hands. After that much assurance, he's back to his playful self and we decided to give his tummy time!