Saturday, August 11, 2007

1st Trip to McDonalds

Dear Diary,

i am so happy today as Mummy & Daddy brought me to McDonalds for the 1st time! We went to the outlet at Suntec City as Mummy wanted to bring me for a haircut. Mummy suggested to Daddy to have breakfast at McDonalds as she wanted to eat hotcakes. I am very excited as there are so many "M"s around and I keep mouthing "MMMMMMMMMMMM".

Mummy also fed me some of her hotcakes..WOW! I didnt know hotcakes tasted so good. I kept asking Mummy for more!

After our breakfast, I took a picture with this uncle Ronald McDonald. Hehe..he looks so funny with his red hair & lips!

I hope Mummy & Daddy bring me to McDonalds again soon!

Friday, August 10, 2007

1st Cruise Trip on Star Virgo - Day 3

Dear Diary,

its our last day for our star cruise trip. I must say i really enjoy myself despite having the running nose although Daddy & Mummy are tire out entertaining me...hehe.

Breakfast is at Bella Vista at Deck 6 and they are serving Western international breakfast & pastries. Wow! Just look at the spread from Mummy & Daddy's plates! YUMMY!!!! I ate some pastries and also my baby biscuits.

After breakfast we headed to check out and pay the outstanding bills. Next is back to room for packing up. Mummy gave me some flu medication as i am still having running nose and i slept when the medication kicks in.

Daddy & Mummy decided to skip lunch as i was still sleeping soundly in the cot and they decided to let me rest instead of waking me up to go to lunch.

I feel so refreshed after the nap!! OOOooOOOooOO...we are approaching the cruise centre!

So byebye Star Virgo for now! Hope to see you soon!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

1st Cruise Trip on Star Virgo - Day 2

Dear Diary,

i woke up to my surprise that my room has changed only to remember that Daddy & Mummy brought me on a cruise trip. Hey i got a sea view!!

Breakfast is at the The Pavilion Room on Deck 6 as Mummy has cravings for chinese food. Yummy! They served us Dim Sum & other delicious food. Mummy brought along my baby biscuits and she also fed me some Bao. Finger-licking good!

After breakfast, we went around exploring. As i am still having flu, Mummy & Daddy decided against bringing me to the pool to play. SOB! SOB! Since going to the pool is ruled out by majority (2-1 votes) and as i still cant walk by myself, there doesnt seems to be much activities that a toddler can do. Daddy & Mummy brought me to the games arcard to take a look..hehe..i even sat on a motorcycle! Look at how cool i am!

I also explored the Galaxy of the Stars/ The Observatory on Deck 12.

*Yawn* Its time for my flu medication and afternoon nap. Finally some rest for Daddy & Mummy...keke

Time for lunch! OOoOOooOO its Japanese food at Samurai Restaurant on Deck 8. Mummy loves Jap food! While Mummy & Daddy are busy eating, i spend my time playing with whatever i can lay my hands on (Mummy is thankful i am confine to the highchair) and making funny faces at the aunties waitresses serving us much to their amusement. I even attracted the attention of an uncle who is residing in Qatar and on 2 months of holiday stint (WOW! 2 Months!). He gave me a sweet and requested to take a photo of me which Mummy agreed. Its a pity Mummy did not take a pic of me playing with the aunties and the nice uncle.

After lunch its back to the room for R&R and Mummy brought my favourite Noddy books along to keep me occupied in the cot. I really enjoyed reading the books...look how crumpled they are now...hehe..

Dinner is at Mediterranean Buffet as Daddy is attracted to the cakes they are serving. We sat at Table 10 and this time round i get to eat some of the cakes and ice-cream...YUM YUM! I saw this Jie Jie talking very rudely to the uncle waiter that her table is not cleared (actually there are alot of empty tables around but not sure why she has to pick a table which has some plates and utensils left by the earlier family? Certainly strange). Daddy & Mummy were telling me i must ask properly and not be rude.

After dinner we went to the Galaxy of the Stars to take a look at this evergreen singer 尤雅. She is having her meet the fans session for her concert on Star Cruise on Sat. It was really packed and no available seats so we head back to our room enjoying the view from our balcony. Look at me and Daddy! Dont you think we look alike? Hehe!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

1st Cruise Trip on Star Virgo - Day 1

Dear Diary,

Daddy & Mummy decided its time to bring me along for a holiday and they booked a Star Virgo 3D2N Malacca/KL cruise trip as they felt its more family friendly. Mummy is very excited and she bought me a swimsuit so that i can swim in the pool on the cruise.

But alas! On the afternoon of the day for our cruise trip, Mummy discovered that i am having running nose! Mummy gave me some medicine to take hoping the running nose will subside and praying at the same time no fever will develop. She decided to pack extra tissue papers and flu/fever medication along.

My running nose still continues but seeing i am as active as usual, Daddy & Mummy decided i should be ok.

We proceed to the Singapore Cruise Centre at Harbourfront to check in and board the cruise. As we booked the Balcony class, we have "Red Carpet" treatment where there is a separate queue for checking in. Checking in is quite fast but queuing to get onto the cruise is another matter. There was a very long queue for boarding and Mummy carried me for whole 45mins before someone from the cruise centre spotted us and let us go through the security checks without having to queue further. Mummy is thankful for the uncle otherwise, we would have to queue for another 20mins i reckon.

When we reached our room @ Deck 11, Mummy discovered that there was no cot in the room even when she had requested for one during the booking. Daddy called up the housekeeping and requested for one. As we wait for the cot to come, Daddy & Mummy started unpacking and i started exploring the room..hehe..Look how busy i am!

Sob Sob! We waited for an hour and no cot came. Mummy is already getting very frustrated as its going 11pm and i am very sleepy from my flu medication. She called up the housekeeping and voiced her displeasure (its already very mild according to Mummy's standard) and in 10mins the cot came. However, much to Daddy & Mummy's horror, they realise that the cot is missing a panel and it created a big gap which Mummy worried i might slip and hurt myself. Seeing how tired i am, Mummy decided against calling up the housekeeping, she placed a pillow in the cot to "block" out the gap and tuck me to bed.

By the time i slept its about 11.45pm. Daddy went out to explore and also fill his hungry stomach at the Mediterranean Buffet on Deck 12 while Mummy stayed behind to look after me. Later he packet a Hokkien Fried Prawn Mee & Char Kuay Teow back for Mummy from the Blue Lagoon which is open 24hours.

By then the Star Virgo has left the Singapore port and heading towards Malacca. Mummy saw some lightning and reckon its going to rain. Daddy & Mummy enjoy some company alone (with me sleeping) before they head to bed.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

1st Trip to Night Safari

Its been quite a while since we brought Darrell out and Hubby suggested the night safari as Darrell has not been there before and its also near to our house.

I had wanted to proceed to the Night Safari earlier as i am worried of the crowds but father & son are soundly asleep in dreamland that i decided not to wake them up.

By the time hubby and Darrell woke up, its about 7.30pm. At 1st i was apprehensive if we should still proceed to Night safari as by the time we reach there and spend some time buying tickets it would be reaching 8pm and tram ride is an hour long which would means 9pm ... however after much consideration, we decided to just proceed to Night Safari to have a family night out.

When we reach, thankfully there wasnt a long queue at the ticketing counter and after purchasing the tickets, we headed off to queue for the tram ride. Darrell sat on my lap and was busy looking around once the tram started moving. He even roared when i pointed to him the lion and told him to roar..haha..We came quite close to some animals that are not in captive and got me a little scare they might get too close to my comfort...thankfully my fears are unfounded.

However, i still prefer going to the zoo as its easier to see and more chances of photo taking. Not much photo activities for Night safari as flash is not allowed.