Friday, September 29, 2006

Darrell & Hubby's "Sneeze"

Darrell loves playing with hubby..i think he has now associate play=Papa. Whenever he sees hubby around, he'll just smile and gets excited. After we came back from Taka and mom in law given him his evening shower, i carried him to the living room for him to play with us. Hubby pretended to sneeze in front of Darrell and to our amusement, he likes out a chuckle and continue to do so whenever hubby pretends to sneeze. This is a rare sight as usually he'll only smile and look extremely happy but without any laughter. Not to waste this chance, i quickly grab our digi cam and ask hubby to video his laughter while playing with him.

New toy for Darrell

We were at Takashimaya this afternoon to shop for mooncake and to get Darrell's 1st lantern. We couldnt find a suitable lantern for Darrell as the ones available are mostly those that uses candles. The batteries operated lanterns are pretty limited in designs and i dont find those available appealing. We decided against buying one at Taka and decided to shop around since we still have abt a 5 days more to Lantern Festival. What caught our eye was this yellow looking rattle with a smily face that gives of a cheerio sound when you start shaking it. We thought it looks cute and is light enough for Darrell to grab its handle. For $2, i think its one of the cheapest toys we ever got for him - what a steal!

Darrell the Sleepy Boy

Me & hubby took leave today to take a break from work. Mom in law took care of Darrell yesterday night as hubby was tired from the fast few days of late night working. Darrell woke up around 5am for his milk and his last feed was about 9.30pm! Mom in law had tried to feed milk at 1.30am but he refused and cried.

I woke up at 7.15am and Darrell is already way awake and playing on his rocker with mom in law. He's getting more playful by the day and loves to look at the newspapers and listen to people talking.

After bathing him together with mom in law (yes, still not confident bathing Darrell myself plus this mummy is an extremely clumsy and accident prone one), we placed Darrell in his cot and i noticed he's getting sleepy and starting to get cranky....I carried him to our bed and he fell asleep soon after. Just look at how he zzz!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Darrell & Ernie

This is my 1st attempt making Darrell sit
on a to make it more "memorable",
i placed Ernie to "accompany" him.

He looks quite bewildered to the on-goings and
but he seems to be enjoying his very 1st sitting
experience on the sofa

Saturday, September 23, 2006

On our own for the first time!

Today marks the very 1st day we're on our own taking care of Darrell without mom in law's help. She has an appointment with the hairdresser near her house and father in law has wedding dinner at night so they left our place very early in the morning to go back to their Serangoon home.

I am feeling very excited that we'll be spending time together truly as a family of 3 which we had never done so before. Excited at the prospect of being a "full time" mom for the weekend and also looking forward to using the "motherhood" skills that i have picked up from both grand mothers during the last 3 months.

Darrell woke up around 8am which is about his usual timing and i played with him till about 10am....carry him to our room for him to execute his mission of waking hubby up......hehehe..coz its bathing time!!! I am still not very confident bathing Darrell all by myself so hubby is there to help and also make use of this time to have some bonding session with Darrell since usually by the time hubby is back from work Darrell is already in dreamland.

All went quite well for the day with Darrell only fussing for his feed and diaper change. I must say its can be quite tough having to entertain him for a few hours nonstop....being not a very creative and imaginative mom..i usually find myself runnin out of ideas..and energy!

Darrell is getting quite playful and not wanting to sleep..maybe we have been playing with him for too long. Anyway hubby decided to take a nap on the mattress we put in the living room and i decided to leave Darrell with him on the mattress while i went to go the household chores. A short while later, i found that Darrell has fallen asleep beside hubby. Its such a warmth feeling looking at father & son that i cant help but smile from within.

We realise that the fridge had nothing much left and decided maybe we can leave Darrell at my parents place while we go and handle the groceries. We reached my parents place at about 2pm and everyone is looking foward to meeting Darrell again. But unfortunately he started to cry after my mom carried him over from me at the door step. We tried to pacifiy him but to no valid. Dad suggested maybe Darrell can start to recognize places and people and wanted Mom to "hand over" Darrell to me..but mom tried once more to pacify him but couldnt pacify him. When i took him over to pacify him, he is still sobbing and clinging to me...poor boy...i carried him around the house and telling him not to be scare and its grandparents took awhile to calm him down but he doesnt seems to relax. We brought him back around 5pm and decided that we'll bring him for lunch and dinner at my parents place again the next day for him to familarize himself with my parents house.

Dinner is packet food from nearby food centre - hokkien mee, char kway teow, fried carrot cake & Indian rojak! Manage to finish everything except hokkien mee which we decided to save it for tomorrow.

Darrell is quite cranky during the night and we have a hard time trying to pacify him as well as smoothing him to sleep. Maybe its the "drama" in the afternoon that makes him very insecure. He cries everytime we try to carry him or put him down onto the playpen or rocker. We decided to let him sleep on our bed for the night with me sleeping beside him to make him feel secure while hubby sleeps on the mattress on the floor. Its my 1st time sharing bed with Darrell..i must say its a very wonderful feeling!

He started fidgeting in his sleep around 6am so i knew its diaper change time. Got ready the new diaper but before i could even slip it under him, he decided to relieve himself like the Niagara Falls! I couldnt even react fast enough..just had to grab whatever was available to block "the splish & the splash"! When i switched on the lights to change him, was wondering why are there wet spots on the bed beside his head...and i took a closer look...OMG! He had urinated onto his face! He was smiling at me when i carried him back to the cot to change him..and refuse to sleep anymore! What's hubby doing during the whole episode? He slept through it! Hahaha!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Cereal Time!

Darrell has reached 4 months and i was contemplating if i should start him on semi solids. I finally decided to start him on cereals when he reached 4 and 1/2 months time just to be on the safer side in case his digestive system isnt that ready yet and also feels that its pretty boring just to drink milk..okay okay..maybe its the mom feeling bored feeding only
I bought Frisocrem cereal for Darrell as it indicated that its suitable for babies from 4 months onwards and the convenience of it having milk included in the cereal.

16th Sept is the day i have pick to be his 1st tasting experience on cereal! So exciting! Brought him over to in laws place and we took some pics of his 1st taste on semi solids..i cant say he really likes it but its a good start though.......