Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The 12th Day & Beyond...

Today marks the 12th day of my cycle and its time for me to visit Dr Chan for him to monitor the effect of clomid. I was a total blur not knowing what to expect so i just follow whatever instructions Dr Chan has since i put my faith in him.

Dr Chan did a scan and concluded that i have one egg from my right ovary that is ripe but nothing from the left ovary. He instructed me to babydance with hubby on the 12th (which is today), 14th, 16th and 18th.
Called hubby up and told him about Dr Chan's instructions. Unfortunately, this month happen to be a very hectic and busy period for hubby and the earliest he reaches home is around 11pm. Its very stressful having to keep to the schedule when you are half asleep. Sometimes i wonder if we will jeopardize our chances as by the time hubby reach home during the "scheduled" day, its pass midnight already.

I started to think what if this time round we dont succeed? How many cycles do we need to go through? Would i be able to accept & manage the disappointment? Alot of what ifs keep replaying in my mind......

Right now, i'm keeping my fingers cross and hoping for the best.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

How it all started......sometime in Sept 2005

Me & hubby have been married for over 1 & 1/2 years...and throughout the course of the marriage we have been asked umpteen times by well wishers when are we going to add to the family unit...mom has been nagging and even more so when i update her "oh so and so is pregnant or so and so has delivered". Mother in law also hinted "subtlely" during CNY when she suddenly carried hubby niece Kristen to my lap. I wasnt amused then by the nagging or hints.....always felt that having children is not as simple as participating in lucky draw where if you pick something you dont like you can just cast it aside. Having children to me is a lifelong commitment and i only want to start a family when i am ready as to me children are gifts and not burden.

Have visited Dr Chan Kong Hon in Glen E in April 2004 and he diagnosed me with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS ) which explains why i have been having irregular menses. He asked if we intend to start a family then and if so, he'll prescribed us medication to help regulate my menses. We told him not at the moment and he told us to let nature take its course for a year and if by then we still have not "strike", we'll look for him.

Like any SG working couples, its hectic lifestyle and i must admit we have not been faithfully trying to "strike". A year has past and i started to realise i have been paying attention to couples with babies and even took to smiling at them (the babies not the couples). Its something i would have not done in the past. Even hubby also commented that i have been looking at babies very often...hmmm..i guess maternal instincts have finally kick in?

We decided maybe its time to really embarked onto a new journey....Parenthood.

We visited Dr Chan and told him we feel it time for us to start a family and knowing that my menstrual cycle is in a total mess, Dr Chan prescribe medication for me to induce the menses and clomid to be taken from the 2nd day of the menses. I also need to visit him for checkup from the 12th day of my cycle....so here offically kickoff our journey to parenthood.