Saturday, January 26, 2008

My 1st Playgroup Trial @ Kids Loft

Mummy signed me up for a playgroup trial @ Kidsloft for some social interaction as well as exposure to other enrichment programmes other than Shichida

We reached the class late at about 1.20pm as we went out later than our pre-set time (Daddy wasn't happy as he dislike to be late)

The theme of the class is green so Mummy prepared a Bossini green tee shirt for me. We had story telling session about making a green monster appearing and disappearing. It was so fun! Mummy was pleasantly surprise that i am able to concentrate on the story telling as she had brought me to her company Christmas celebration but i wasnt interested in the story telling segment.

Afterwhich we had an Art and Craft session where we get to make grapes..its my 1st contact with glue and oh my..its really sticky..Mummy forgotten to take a pic of my grape masterpiece =(

Next we have a snack session! Yuppie! We are taught to ask for our snacks. Notice that the bowls/cups are green too!

Music today is beating the drums to the Jungle Beat..i am able to follow Mummy's instructions to take the mat and drum. Mummy was proud that i did not rush and push anyone to get the musical instrucments and instead stood there to wait for my turn.
There was parachute play too but i was too scare and didnt want to participate and clung tightly to Mummy.

After the whole session, Mummy likes how Teacher Lavina conducted the session and she is seriously considering signing me up for the programme..*decisions decisions decisions* =P She hasnt decided yet...probably will give it more thoughts after CNY.