Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sis ROM @ Laguna Country Club on 29th Sept 2007

It was Sis's ROM today and i woke up exceptionally early to prepare the necessary things like porridge and pack Darrell's stuffs so that we can set off early and would not be in a rush.

Her ROM ceremony is at 12.15pm (cocktail starts at 11.45am) and i was planning to be there early around 11am so that i can feed Darrell his porridge there.

However, Darrell refuses his morning nap and only slept at 10.30am. I had to wake up him at 11.15pm to change into his clothes and we hurried off to Laguna Country Club. By the time we reach its about 11.35pm and thankfully we met Mom and she brought us to the suite to put our stuffs. As we are running out of time, i decided to feed Darrell milk instead of the porridge i cooked earlier.

The deco for the ceremony is nicely done up in romantic shades of white and pink don with balloons and roses of similar colours. Petals line the walkway where they will march in.

As for Darrell, he is enjoying himself watching aeroplanes fly past and playing with all the aunties & uncles.

The climax of the event is Sis & Leonard arriving in the buggy before marching in to take their vows. After the exchange of vows, balloons are released into the air.

After the ceremony its time for lunch buffet at the restuarant. The centre of attention would be the cupcakes from Pine Garden (partially sponspored by mua..keke..) with the assorted colours & flavours. So nicely done up that some guests even thought that the cupcakes are only for display! The chocolate cupcakes are the most popular flavours and are gone in minutes. Luckily i manage to savour 1.

Uncle Patrick brought along his beloved possessions - Lychee soaked in Chinese wine. You wil need an acquired taste to be able to appreciate the wine. Hehe. Being a non drinker, its quite potent for me =P

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lunch Buffet @ Laguna Country Club on 15th Sept 2007

As sis ROM is around the corner, she suggested bringing Mom & Dad to Laguna Country Club the venue where her ROM is to be held to get Dad familiar with the venue (so that he would not be lost and drive to some other place on the actual day) and at the same time have a family gathering.

We were late reaching at 1pm as Darrell was sleeping. The theme was Thai food for the day and the spread was quite satisfactory. Darrell meanwhile enjoys himself with Dad & hubby as they brought him to the porch to view the aeroplanes that flew past the vicinity. Each time an aeroplane flew past he would exclaim, "飞机!飞机!" and when the plane flew out of sight he would wave and say, "Bye bye!".

My 1st Swim...and my parents too

Dear Diary

as i caught a flu during my cruise trip and am unable to try out the new swimsuit Mummy has bought me, she decided its time for my "maiden" swim. Anyway, its also Daddy & Mummy "1st swim" at our condo's swimming pool after staying there for over 4 years!!

Mummy had bought a whale float for me very very long time ago at an Isetan sale @ Tampines Mall and finally i am able to use it now. Look how happy i am in the float! At 1st Mummy is still worried i might find the water too cold...but her worries are unfounded as i enjoy every moments in the pool.

We had to leave after 20mins in the pool as the sky darkend and threaten to rain. Hope i will get my next swim soon!