Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Darrell can sip from a straw!

As a working mom, am always at a disadvantage in the sense, its so difficult witness the 1st milestones that our child go through...have not really reconcile myself with this "reality". Everytime i think about this i will sulk...yes..sulk..bian zhui..only wishing i can throw a tantrum too ..wahahaha

But i am a happy mommy today! Coz i witness my beloved Darrell sipping water from a straw for the 1st time!!!!! YEAH!! I am Happy mommy I am a Happy mommy!

It all started when i notice babies younger than him are sipping water from water bottles and drinking from straws and got me wondering maybe its time to train Darrell to drink water from straws too.

In any case, i started digging my toyogo drawers as i remember i have quite a few drinking cups. I finally dig out Pigeons Mag Mag decided to give Avent a miss as its a drinking spout no straw....sterilized the mag mag..and ready for action!

1st attempt: 17 June (Sunday) Fill the Mag Mag with water...and try putting straw to Darrell's mouth...end up bitting the straw and the cap...more interested and curious about the drinking cup than really drinking it. Manage to take a sip out of pure luck..wahahaha..after that no longer interested

2nd attempt: 18th June (Monday) Decided to let Darrell try drinking from Mag Mag again. But as usual, bite the straw and refuse to suck from the straw...after which i just left the Mag Mag with him to let him explore it...and to my surprise, he pick up the Mag Mag and put the straw to his mouth and started drinking! I praised him for being such a clever boy and of course making mommy so happy..keke!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Discovering "Take"

Darrell is getting more vocal than ever, realise he picks up words rather fast as compared to physical mobility.

Recently, he is able to mouth the word "Take", though it sounded more like "Dake" and he has been finding it very useful to him.

For things such as remote control, my Sony Ericcson 800i handphone, biscuits and anything that interests him, he will be going "DAKE! DAKE! DAKE! DAKE! DAKE!!" and stretching out his hand so let you know he wants that item.

Sometimes, he will just mouth the word "Dake" out of the blue and we'll look around and tell him "here got nothing for you to take la"