Monday, February 19, 2007

My 1st CNY Celebration - Day 2

Dear Diary,

its Day 2 of CNY celebrations! Oh boy! Do you know what it means!?!? It means more good food and more ang baos! Kekeke!

Today's events are more packed than CNY Day 1!
1st stop: Lao Khim's home
2nd stop: God Po Po and Gong Gong's home
3rd stop: Ah Gong & Ah Mah's home

Mummy dress me up in yellow. Its an outfit bought by my Ah Mah. Do i look nice it it? Thought i looked like a little emperor.

I really enjoy myself many uncle & aunties to play with me! Plus my favourite babysitter Uncle Darrick is here too!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

My 1st CNY Celebration - Day 1

Dear Diary,

*dong dong chiang! dong dong chiang!*

Yippee! Its my very 1st Chinese New Year! Such a joyous occasion for me! However, Mummy is feeling a little sad as its mummy's 1st CNY without great grandmother around. *Pat Pat Mummy, cheer up! you have me! I'll make you happy!*

Look at my CNY Day 1 outfit which Mummy bought for me! Its so 红彤彤! I looked like a small little ang bao! Kekeke!

新年快乐 to my Daddy, Mummy, Ah Mahs, Ah Gongs, 姑姑s,阿姨s,舅舅s and my granduncles & aunties and anyone that knows me!
恭喜发财 to everyone!
Most importantly 红包一个来!!!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

My 1st Reunion Dinner

Dear Diary

Its my 1st 除夕 and its a big day for alot of Chinese as we have to go home and have 团圆饭. Alot of restuarants are booked very early for this occasions. However, we will be eating at home to avoid the crowd.

To add on to the occasion and her craving (hehe), Mummy ordered 盆菜 from this famous chinese shark's fin restuarant at Chinatown. We queued (yes i joined in the queue too!) for over 1 hour before we manage to collect the 盆菜. Its a good thing that Uncle Darren & Darrick (they are really good with babies!) are around to take care of me while Mummy & Lao Yee jostle with the crowd as Mummy did not expect having to queue for so long. Anyway, Mummy is very unhappy with the restuarant for such bad management that she decided not to buy 盆菜 from them for the future CNY and also she feels that the taste of their 盆菜 is not that fantastic.

A slight incident happened when we collected the not so tasty 盆菜 and about to go to my grandparents place for reunion dinner. Mummy noticed an auntie whom mummy think is in her 50s with thick make up and oversprayed hair and she was staring at the crowd queuing at the restuarant. Not paying much attention to that auntie Mummy walked past her carrying me as we head back to our car. Suddenly, Mummy felt a hard knock and its this auntie trying to bypass us and she just ram into Mummy & me! Mummy is really mad and she let out a fiery "HEY!!!!!!!!" and she glared very fiercely at that auntie. Without any apologies, the auntie just quickly walked away. This got Mummy really mad!! If not for the fact its eve of CNY and seeing that i wasnt hurt, Mummy would have chased after and lashed out at the auntie (dont play play Mummy is 小辣椒!)

Tonight menu is steamboat and the 盆菜. Yummy!!!! Too bad i cant enjoy the meal as i am not on solids as yet.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Its interesting to observe what grandparents and us as parents say to Darrell...sometimes it can be quite amusing...

Mommy: miss mama??? Mama miss you miss mama anot.....
Daddy: Handsome boy la...
Paternal Grandmom: Whyyyy?? Whyyy dont wanna drink millllk millllk...tummy flat flat liao lor...
Paternal Grandpa: Heeeeee
Maternal Grandmom: 笑笑。。为什么没有笑笑? 笑眯眯啦。。
Maternal Grandpa: 劭磊。。。啊你去gai gai ah....

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Me bathing at Lor Ah Soo

I am at Ah Gong & Ah Mah house at Lor Ah Soo and Mommy wanted to bathe me there as i had not taken my bathe in the morning at home and mommy say i am smelly (humph..where got!?) . Ah Yee decided to take this opportunity and take a few pictures of me. But Ah Yee only send mommy 2 pictures of me..donno why..maybe she keep the rest for herself...kekeke...Next time i must charge copyright liao.