Saturday, August 26, 2006

Baby Massage @ Thomson Medical Centre

We found out that TMC is offering baby massage course and we thought its a good way to bond with our precious and also we were told that it will help to improve the "wind" condition in Darrell. We noticed that Darrell seems to have alot of wind in his tummy and he always end up having to lift his legs up to release the air very often..hence are quite concern..given how uncomfortable he looks, hence, we decided to sign up for the course.

Its exciting for me and hubby as it marks our very 1st outing without mil with us. We are a little concern if we can manage Darrell without mil's help but we decided to go ahead anyway.

The course is split into 2 Saturdays and its such a joy seeing all the little cute babies present at the baby massage class!

I asked hubby to be the more "hands on" party so that he can share some father-and-son bonding as he is usually working late and has little time for our little darling. Look at how fatherly hubby is! *awww*

Friday, August 18, 2006

Who turn out the lights!?!

Me & hubby are quite a playful bunch so we decided to be "innovative" and placed a hanky onto Darrell's head with the hanky covering his eyes to observe how Darrell will react. Its quite a cute & funny moment...erm well..maybe to us but not to little Darrell.

p/s: each time i showed this video to people, they say i am torturing Darrell especially my boss whose reaction is as big as a volcano eruption. Torture meh?