Friday, October 07, 2005

This fateful day - we made it!

Am working from home today and it marks the 29th day of my cycle. My menses are yet to arrive and i am getting rather nervous praying "Big Auntie" wont come knocking at my door.

Been feeling weird lately - keeps feeling very hungry in the morning and having this consistent craving for nasi lemak and as well as this strain at the tummy area. Not wanting to relate those "observations" as pregnancy signs, i brush them aside as me being paranoid and thinking too much about wanting to hit the jackpot.

Was talking to a friend in MSN and telling her about the "signs" and halfway through our chat, i told her i needed to go for toilet break. When in the washroom, i couldnt contend my curiousity anymore. I took a ClearBlue pregnancy test kit and decided to just proceed to test to satisfy my curiousity urge.

The test result was immediate.....and it showed a + sign! I was stunned (as i have been conditioning myself to expect a negative since its still too early and pregnany kit might reflect the incorrect results) and at the same time excited! Tears beamed in my eyes.

I quickly dialed hubby office number and informed him of the test result. Hubby is just as stunned & excited as me and being a cautious person, he asked me to go to the clinic near our house to get a confirmation. As its approaching lunctime, i decided to quickly rush to the clinic. Unfortunately, much to my disappointment, the clinic uses this small and tiny test kit that cant produce any conclusive results. Its showing a very very faint + sign and the doc diagnosis was that he cannot confirm the pregnancy. I was cursing under my breath that they wasted my $18 and yet no conclusion was reached.

After work, i rushed to Northpoint and grab a few different brands pregnancy test kits from Watsons and rushed back home. The various test kits also produces faint +ve signs but nothing as obvious as the 1st test i did with ClearBlu. I waited for hubby to come back home and showed him all the test kits. After some discussion, we decided to visit Dr Chan to get his confirmation and also for him to determined if we can proceed to our Phuket trip which we had booked sometime back.